BACnet Property | Short name | BACnet Description | Notes |
Frequency | MainsFreq | Mains frequency | Indicates the frequency of the power supply for the BA-Device. Enumeration: (50Hz, 60Hz) |
Internal-Bus-Power-Supply | EnPwrSply | Enable local bus power supply | Internal-Bus-Power-Supply indicates the on/off state of the integrated TX-IO bus power supply. |
Message-Count_Time | TiMsgCntIvl | Message count measurement interval | Defines the measurement interval, in seconds, to count the sent and received messages on the TX-IO bus. |
Busload-Sample-Interval | TiBusLdItgr | Busload integration time | Defines the integration time in sec to calculate the current busload. |
Polling-Timeout | PllngTiout | Polling timeout | Defines the maximum polling interval in 1/10 sec of the TX-IO modules by the master. |
COV-Repetition-Time-T1 | TiRptExcgHi | COV repetition time 1 | Defines the repetition time T1, in 1/10 seconds, to be used for process value reporting of TX-IO Objects holding the configured value T1 as COV-Repetition-Timer. |
COV-Repetition-Time-T2 | TiRptExcgMe | COV repetition time 2 | Defines the repetition time T2, in 1/10 seconds, to be used for process value reporting of TX-IO Objects holding the configured value T2 as COV-Repetition-Timer. |
COV-Repetition-Time-T3 | TiRptExcgLo | COV repetition time 3 | Defines the repetition time T3, in 1/10 seconds, to be used for process value reporting of TX-IO Objects holding the configured value T3 as COV-Repetition-Timer. |