Application-Team object defines the interface for a specific type of P1 FLN Application. Each P1 Application contains an application number and each application number will have a corresponding Application-Team.

An Application Team creates objects within the local device and selected objects are owned by the local device. Both intrinsic alarming and totalization are supported by Application Team objects.

P1 TEC Memory Types

There are three memory types for subpoints in BACnet P1 TECs:

  • EPROM(ROM). All factory default values are stored in ROM and cannot be changed.
  • EEPROM. All initial values are stored in EEPROM and will persist through a power cycle. These values can be changed by the user.
  • RAM. All current values are stored in RAM and will not persist through a power cycle. Upon startup, the initial value is copied into the current value. If a reset to factory default was performed, then on the next startup the default values from ROM will be copied to the initial value EEPROM and then copied to the current RAM values. .