These properties are only available when Event Configuration is set to Intrinsic-Reporting.
BACnet Property | Short name | BACnet Description | Notes |
Acked-Transitions | AckTra | Acknowledged transitions | Indicates which of the transitions have been acknowledged; TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, TO_NORMAL. |
Deadband | HysToNrml | Hysteresis to normal | Represents a deadband applied to an alarm limit when determining return to normal conditions: LOW_LIMIT - present-value is greater than (low-limit + deadband) for a time interval specified by time-delay-normal. |
Ack-Credentials | AckCrdtl | Acknowledgement credentials | Identifies the user or process that acknowledged the most recent TO-OFFNORMAL, TO-FAULT, and TO-NORMAL event notifications. |
Ack-Time-Stamps | TiAck | Time of acknowledgement | Conveys the acknowledgment times of the last TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL events. |
event-algorithm-inhibit | SupEvtDet | Suppress event detection | Indicates whether (true) or not (false) the event algorithm has been disabled for the object. This property is a runtime override that allows temporary disabling of the event algorithm |
Event-Notification-Inhibit | SupEvtNotf | Suppress event notification | A writable proprietary property, of type Boolean, allowing event notification functionality to be temporarily disabled for the object instance at runtime. |
Event_detection_enable | EnEvtDet | Enable event detection | Indicates whether (true) or not (false) intrinsic reporting is enabled in the object. |
Event_Enable | EnEvt | Event enable | A writable BACnet standard property, of type BACnetEventTransitionBits, consisting of three flags that separately enable and disable the distribution of TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL notifications. |
event-message-texts | EvtMsg | Event message texts | Character string, that conveys the message text values of the last TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL events generated for this object. |
event-message-texts-config | EvtMsgCnf | Configurable event message texts | Contains character strings for the 'Message Text' or substitution codes for event notifications of TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL events. |
Event_Time_Stamps | TiStmEvt | Time stamp of event | Timestamps of the following event transitions, TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, TO_NORMAL. |
High_Limit | HiLm | High Limit | Specifies the upper limit of the present-value property's normal range |
Limit_Enable | EnLm | Limit enable | A writable standard BACnet bitstring property, of type BACnetLimitEnable, specifies two flags, HighLimitEnable and LowLimitEnable, that separately enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) the respective limits applied by the event algorithm. |
notification-class | NotifCl | Notification class | Specifies the instance of the Notification-Class object to use for event-notification-distribution. |
notify-type | NotifTyp | Notification type | Always = Alarm |
Status_Flags | StaFlg | State flag (*A* or –N-) | This is a standard base property that's included with the object regardless of whether intrinsic alarming is enabled or not Logical FALSE (0) if the Event_State property has a value of NORMAL, otherwise logical TRUE (1). OVERRIDDEN = true if point is in hand mode, else false. Logical TRUE (1) if the Out_Of_Service property has a value of TRUE, otherwise logical FALSE (0). |
time-delay | TiMonDvn | Monitoring time deviation | Used for Alarming; represents a deadband time, in seconds, that must pass between the time that an object first detects an offnormal condition and a to-offnormal event state transition occurs. |
time-delay-normal | TiMonDvnNm | Monitoring time deviation to normal | Used for Alarming; represents a deadband time, in seconds, that must pass between the time that an object first detects a normal condition and a to-normal event state transition occurs. |