BACnet property | Short Name | BACnet Description | Notes |
event-type | EvtTyp | Event type | A read-only property that indicates the event algorithm to be used by this Event-Enrollment object instance. The value of this property is determined by the selected Alarm-Extension [Change-Of-State, Out-Of-Range, Command-Failure, and Floating-Limit]. |
notify-type | NotifTyp | Notification type | A writable standard BACnet enumerated property that specifies whether notifications generated by the object should be marked as Events or Alarms. |
event-parameters | EvtPars | Event Parameters | A read-only standard BACnet property that provides the parameter values needed for this Event-Enrollment object's event algorithm. The event-parameters property is a complex ASN.1 tagged sequence, the content of which varies based on the selected event-type. |
object-property-reference | ObjPrpr | Object property reference | A read-only standard BACnet property that indicates the object property's value to be tested for alarm conditions. |
Object-Name-Reference | ObjNameRef | Object name reference | A writable proprietary property that references the data source object for this Event-Enrollment object instance. |
Source-Property-Identifier | SrcPrpyId | Source property identifier | A read-only proprietary property that specifies the data source property for this Event-Enrollment object instance. Property-Identifier may be displayed as a BACnetPropertyId (85). The default is PrVal. |
event-state | EvtSta | Event state | A read-only standard BACnet enumerated property that represents the event/alarm state of the object. |
event-enable | EnEvt | Event enable | A writable BACnet standard bitstring property consisting of shall three flags that separately enable and disable the distribution of notifications: |
acked-transitions | AckTra | Acknowledged transitions | A read-only standard BACnet bitstring property that conveys three flags that separately indicate the acknowledgment state for events: |
Ack-Credentials | AckCrdtl | Acknowledgement credentials | A read-only proprietary property, consisting of three character strings, identifying the user or process that acknowledged the most recent event notifications: |
Ack-Time-Stamps | TiAck | Time of acknowledgement | A read-only standard BACnet property, consisting of three time-date stamps, that conveys the acknowledgment times of the last events: |
notification-class | NotifCl | Notification class | A writable BACnet standard Unsigned property that specifies the instance of the Notification-Class object. |
event-time-stamps | TiStmEvt | Time stamp of event | A read-only standard BACnet property that conveys the times of the last events: |
event-message-texts | EvtMsg | Event message texts | A read-only standard BACnet property that conveys the message text values of the last events generated for this object: |
event-message-texts-config | EvtMsgCnf | Configurable event message texts | A writable standard BACnet property that contains the character strings for the Message Text for the event notifications generated by this object. |
event-detection-enable | EnEvtDet | Enable event detection | A read-only standard BACnet Boolean property, that indicates whether (true) or not (false) alarm reporting is enabled. In PXC.A Event-Enrollment objects, event-detection-enable is always true. |
event-algorithm-inhibit | SupEvtDet | Suppress event detection | A writable standard BACnet Boolean property that indicates whether (true) or not (false) the event detection algorithm has been disabled for the object at runtime. |
Event-Notification-Inhibit | SupEvtNotf | Suppress event notification | A writable proprietary property allowing event notification functionality to be temporarily disabled for the object instance at runtime. |
time-delay-normal | TiMonDvnNm | Monitoring time deviation to normal | A writable BACnet standard Unsigned property that represents a deadband time, in seconds, that must pass between the time that an object first detects a normal condition and a to-normal event state transition occurs. |
status-flags | StaFlg | State flag | A read-only standard BACnet bitstring property composed of four Boolean flags that indicate the general health of the object. |
reliability | Rlb | Reliability | A read-only standard BACnet enumerated property that provides an indication of whether the present-value or the operation of the physical input/output in question is reliable as far as the BACnet device or operator can determine and, if not, why. |
Alarm-Extension | AlarmExtn | Event configuration | A writable proprietary enumerated property that specifies which PXC.A EEO alarming extension is enabled for the object. Supported extensions: |