BACnet Property | Short Name | BACnet Description | Notes |
location | Locat | Location | Indicates the physical location of the BACnet Device. |
model-name | ModelNam | Model name | Assigned by the vendor to represent the model of the BACnet Device. |
Firmware-Revision | S1FrmwRv | Firmware revision | Assigned by the vendor to represent the level of firmware installed in the BACnet Device. |
Time_Zone | Tz | Time zone | Identifies the time zone assigned to the BACnet Device. This value can be changed by using the drop-down menu of Time Zone choices. The default value from the factory is: (UTC-06:00) Central Time |
UTC offset | UTC offset | UTC offset | Indicates the number of minutes (-780 to +780) offset between local standard time and Universal Time Coordinated. The time zones to the west of the zero degree meridian are positive values, and those to the east are negative values. The value of the UTC_Offset property is subtracted from the UTC received in UTCTimeSynchronization service requests to calculate the correct local standard time. |
Application_Software_Version |
| Application SW version | Identifies the version of application software installed in the machine. The content of this string is a local matter, but it could be a date-and-time stamp, a programmer's name, a host file version number, etc. |
protocol-version | ProtVn | Protocol version | Represents the version of the BACnet protocol supported by this BACnet Device. Every major revision of BACnet increases this version number by one. The initial release of BACnet is version 1. |
protocol-revision | ProtRv | Protocol revision | Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard. This value shall start at 1 and be incremented for any substantive change(s) to the BACnet standard that affect device communication or behavior. This value will revert to zero upon each change to the Protocol_Version property. Changes to the values for Protocol_Version and Protocol_Revision are recorded in the History of Revisions at the end of this standard. |
apdu-segment-timeout | APDUST | APDU segment timeout | Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU segment. A suggested value for this property is 5000 milliseconds. This value is non-zero if the Device object property called Number_Of_APDU_Retries is non-zero. To achieve reliable communication, it is recommended that the values of the APDU_Segment_Timeout properties of the Device objects of all intercommunicating devices should contain the same value. |
apdu-timeout | APDUT | APDU timeout | Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of an APDU requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment has been received. A suggested value for this property is 10,000 milliseconds for devices that permit modification of this parameter. Otherwise, the default value is 60,000 milliseconds. This value is non-zero if the Device object property called Number_Of_APDU_Retries is non-zero. |
number-of-APDU-retries | APDURN | Number of APDU retries | Indicates the maximum number of times that an APDU is retransmitted. If this device does not perform retries, then this property is set to zero. If the value of this property is greater than zero, a non-zero value is placed in the Device object APDU_Timeout property. |
vendor-name | VndrNam | Vendor name | Identifies the manufacturer of the BACnet Device. |
vendor-identifier | VndrID | Vendor identifier | A unique vendor identification code, assigned by ASHRAE, which is used to distinguish proprietary extensions to the protocol. |
Serial_Number | SerialNr | Serial number | The unique serial number of the device as shipped from the factory. |
max-apdu-length-accepted | APDULM | Max APDU length accepted | The maximum number of octets that may be contained in a single, indivisible application layer protocol data unit. The value of this property is greater than or equal to 50. The value of this property is also constrained by the underlying data link technology. |
max-segments-accepted | MaxSegm | Max segments accepted | Indicates the maximum number of segments of an APDU that this device will accept. |
segmentation-supported | SegmSprt | Segmentation supported | Indicates whether the BACnet Device supports segmentation of messages and, if so, whether it supports segmented transmission, reception, or both. |