The Schedule (Schedule) object type defines a standardized object whose properties define the schedule functionality. Schedule (Schedule)
Main elements of the schedule
Effective period
The effective period defines a period within the weekly scheduler and the exception scheduler are enabled.
Weekly scheduler
The weekly scheduler contains one daily schedule for each weekday (Monday through Sunday).
Exception scheduler
The exception schedule contains several daily schedules for defined days or for a period or for a calendar.
Default value
The default value applies:
- No switching command entry is active on the present weekday or exception day.
- The present day is outside of the effective period.
Priority of writing
The priority of writing defines with which priority the value will be commanded.
List of object property references
The list of object property references defines to which BACnet object property the value will be commanded.
Calculating the present switching command
The switching entries of the exception scheduler take priority over weekly scheduler switching entries as well as the default value.