These properties are only available when Subsystem is set to MEASURE.
BACnet Property | Short name | BACnet Description | Notes |
Allowed-Signal-Types | SigTypSprtd | Supported signal types | A read-only proprietary property that specifies a selectable set of sensor types for the input. Input/sensor types are provided for temperature, resistance, current, and voltage. |
Signal-Type | SigTyp | Signal type | The subset of supported signal types is HW specific and depends on the respective TX-I/O module or onboard I/O. |
Present-Value-1 | PrcVal1 | Process value 1 | Defines the first physical value in engineering units of the conversion characteristic to calculate the present value out of the measured sensor value. |
Signal-Value-1 | SigVal1 | Signal value 1 | Defines the first signal value of the conversion characteristic to calculate the present value out of the measured sensor value. |
Present-Value-2 | PrcVal2 | Process value 2 | Defines the second physical value in engineering units of the conversion characteristic to calculate the present value out of the measured sensor value. |
Signal-Value-2 | PrcVal2 | Signal value 2 | Defines the second signal value of the conversion characteristic to calculate the present value out of the measured sensor value. |
COV-Signal-Limit | RawValCOV | COV increment signal value | Throttle |
COV-Repetition-Timer | TiExcgRptCl | COV repetition time | Heartbeat A writable proprietary enumerated property that configures the time interval between data acquisition COVs to the Input object. Data acquisition COVs will be sent at this interval even if the raw sensor value does not change by COV-Signal-Limit. COV-Repetition-Timer is not used for onboard IO and is ignored. |