BACnet Property | Short Name | BACnet Description | Notes |
object-type | ObjTyp | Object type | 264 (Network-Port) |
profile-name | PrfNam | Profile name | 7-055-SBCv15.04 |
Prototype | BAObjTyp | Building automation profile | 55 (IP-Network-Port) |
BACnet-IP-DHCP-Enable | EnDHCP | Enable (IP) DHCP | A writable proprietary property that specifies whether the network is configured via DHCP. |
BACnet-IP-Address | IPAddr | IP address | A proprietary property that specifies the automation station's IP address on the BACnet network. |
BACnet-IP-Subnet-Mask | IPSubntMask | IP subnet mask | A proprietary property that specifies the subnet mask for the IP network. |
BACnet-IP-Default-Gateway | IPDfltGtw | IP default gateway | A proprietary property that specifies the default gateway for the IP network. |
BACnet-IP-UDP-Port | UDPPort | UDP port | A writable proprietary property that specifies the port's UDP port number. |
MAC-Address | MACAddr | BACnet MAC address | A proprietary read-only property that indicates the port's BACnet MAC address. For IPV4 networks, MAC-Address consists of the six-octet combination of the port's IP address and its UDP Port number. |
Local-Communication-UDP-Port | UDPLocGrp | UDP port for local broadcast communication | A writable proprietary property that specifies the UDP port to be used for general communication. This port is used to locally broadcast on a BACnet network or isolate on a broadcast on a specific section of a BBMD. |
BACnet-IP-Mode | BnIpMod | IP mode | A writable proprietary enumerated property that specifies whether the device is acting as a BBMD or foreign device on the BACnet IP network. |
BACnet-IP-Host-Name | BnIPHostNam | Host name | A writeable proprietary property that specifies the IP Hostname for this device. |
BACnet-IP-Domain-Name | BnIPDmnNam | Domain name | A writable proprietary property that specifies the domain name (DNS suffix) for the network. BACnet-IP-Domain-Name is only valid when BACnet-IP-Host-Name is configured. |
BACnet-IP-DNS-Server | BnIPDNSSrv | DNS servers | A writable proprietary property that specifies the preferred (first array entry) and an alternate (second array entry) Internet host name resolution server for this network port. |
Link-Status | LnkSta | Link status | A proprietary read-only enumerated property that indicates the current Link Status of the underlying physical network interface(s). |
Https-Mode | HttpsMode | HTTPS mode | A writable proprietary enumerated property that specifies use of HTTPS on the automation station web server. The enumeration range for Https-Mode is: {both-https-and-http (0), redirect-to-https (1), https only (2)*} |
Web-Port-Http | PortHttp | HTTP port | A writable proprietary property that specifies the http web port (TCP port) as used by the web server. |
Web-Port-Https | PortHttps | HTTPS port | A writable proprietary property that specifies the https web port (TCP port) as used by the web server. |
Segmentation-Window-Size | SegmWinSize | Segmentation window size | A writable proprietary property that specifies the BACnet confirmed request PDU segmentation size described in clause. Segmentation-Window-Size is ignored if the Device Object segmentation-supported property is set to no-segmentation. |
SNMP-Enable | EnSNMP | Enable SNMP | A writable proprietary property used to enable or disable the device's SNMP agent. |
SNMP-Read-Community | RdCmntySNMP | SNMP read community string | A writable proprietary property that specifies the device's SNMP community string. |
Device-Instance | DevInstnNr | Device instance number | A writable proprietary property that specifies the instance number of the parent device's Device Object object-identifier property. The ability to update the Device Object object-identifier by writing a IP-Network-Port object property is provided as a convenience. |
Device-Name | DevName | Device name | A writable proprietary property that specifies the object-name of the parent device's Device Object object-identifier property. The ability to update the Device Object object-name by writing a IP-Network-Port object property is provided as a convenience. |
Port-Extension | PortExtn | Port extension | A read-only proprietary enumerated property that which, if any, extension is configured for the object. The range of Port-Extension is: {None,BBMD-FD,FD}. |