Partitions can be hidden if they are not required anymore. If a partition is hidden, it cannot be accessed in another app. Hiding a partition does not delete any data or stop any process. Shared partitions and partitions that are currently being handed over cannot be hidden.

Partitions can only be deleted by the Siemens Customer Service. To delete a partition, contact your local Siemens representative.

  • You are a member of the Customer Administrator or Partition Administrator user group.
  • You are in Partition management > Partitions > Owned.
  1. Identify the partition you want to hide.
  1. Select More > Hide.
  1. In the Confirm dialog, select Hide.
  • The partition is moved to the Hidden tab. The partition cannot be accessed in other apps.

Unhide a partition

To revoke the hiding of a partition, go to the Hidden tab and select More > Unhide.