The EnPI setup wizard guides you through specifying and creating data sources, creating or editing time series, preparing data for accuracy, and constructing and validating formulas.

  • You are in Site details > Energy performance.
  1. Select Create EnPI.
    A maximum of 10 EnPIs can be created.
  1. Enter general information about the EnPI.
    In the General section, complete the following fields to provide basic information for the new EnPI:
  • Name: Enter the name of the new EnPI you want to create. Maximum 160 characters allowed.
  • Unit: Enter the unit type.
  • (Optional) Numerator: Enter the unit for the numerator.
  • (Optional) Denominator: Enter the unit for the denominator.
  • (Optional) Baseline year: From the dropdown list, select the baseline year to compare your current energy consumption and performance. The baseline serves as a reference point.
    Check the Define baseline year checkbox to enable the dropdown list.
  • Comment: Enter a description or details about the EnPI.
  1. Select Next to continue with the Data source.
  1. Add the data source to the EnPI.
    In the Data source section, select the meters and data points for the EnPI:
  • (Optional) In the Search field, type the name of the meter or data point, depending on which tab is selected.
  • In the Meters tab, select the topmost checkbox to select all meters in a building, or select meters individually.
  • All selected meters display in the Selected data pane.
  • In the Data points tab, a list of all the data points from the selected meters display.
  • The data point that are associated with the meters are selected, and other data points can be added to the EnPi.
  • (Optional) Select more data points to add them to the EnPI.
  • (Optional) To add a data point to the list, select Create data point.
    This option can be used for data points that are not onboarded via Building X.
  • (Optional) To edit an existing manually created data point, select Edit.
    You can edit the name, type, device, unit and description, and add timestamps via CSV file upload or by manually entering the dates and values.
  • To create a new data point, select Create data point.
    You must enter a name, type and unit and optionally select a device and add a description. Upload a time series via CSV file upload or by manually entering the dates and values.
  1. Select Next to continue with the Data processing.

This step only displays if you select manually created data points for the EnPI calculation.

  1. Prepare the data.
    From the table, select a data point to define how to handle missing values.
  1. Complete the following fields:
  • Valid from: Using the calendar option, select the date from which the data is valid.
  • Start value: Enter the initial reading or value to begin the measurements.
    This field only displays if the Measuring method below is set to cumulative.
  • Reading method: Enter how the data is collected. The default is Auto.
  • Aggregation: From the dropdown list, select how to summarize the data.
  • Measuring method: From the dropdown list, select Cumulative or Present value. If Cumulative is selected, the Start value field does not display.
  • Missing data: From the dropdown list, select how to handle any gaps in the data. You can select to Ignore the gaps or select Linear to fill the missing data by interpolating, which estimates the missing value based on the trend surrounding the data point.
  • Repeat for each data point in the table.
  1. Select Next to continue with the Formula.
  1. Construct and validate the formula.
    Define and validate the calculation formula for the energy performance indicator:
  • From the Variables section, select at least two variables.
    A variable represents a data point and the unit, name and type are automatically populated from the settings in the Data source step.
  • From the Operators section, select an operator.
  • The Details field is populated automatically.
  • Select Validate.
  1. Select Next to continue with the Summary.
  1. Review the EnPI details.
    Confirm that the data and values displayed in the General, Type and Formula sections are correct. If not, go back to the corresponding step and adapt the values.
  1. Select Save.
  • The EnPI and the summary are available from the Settings tab in the EnPI list.