About Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI)
Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs) are business specific metrics used to measure and track energy efficiency and performance over time. EnPIs provide valuable insights into energy usage patterns, helping identify opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements, hence they play an important role in implementation of ISO 50001 energy management framework within an organization. By establishing a baseline and monitoring these indicators, you can compare current performance against past data to evaluate the effectiveness of energy-saving measures and make informed decisions to optimize energy consumption.
EnPIs can be defined according to specific business needs, ensuring they are relevant and actionable. For example:
- Manufacturing: Establish a baseline for energy consumption per ton of steel produced. Track monthly energy consumption per ton and compare it to the baseline to evaluate the effectiveness of the energy-saving measures.
- Commercial Buildings: Set a baseline for energy use per occupied square foot for a specific year. Monitor monthly energy use per square foot and compare it to the baseline to identify trends and areas for further efficiency improvements.
- Data Centers: Establish a baseline Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) ratio for a particular year. Measure monthly PUE and compare it to the baseline to assess the impact of optimization efforts and identify opportunities for further energy efficiency.
User interface
The Energy performance page displays a table with EnPIs created for the building. If an EnPI is selected from the table, the Indicator tab displays the corresponding real-time performance metrics, and the Settings tab displays a summary of the EnPI settings.
On the Energy performance page the following functions are available:
- Create new Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI) by using the EnPI setup wizard. A maximum of 10 EnPIs can be created.
- View summary information for an EnPI.
- Analyze real-time performance metrics and historical data for existing.
- Edit, delete, or duplicate existing EnPIs.
EnPI table
All EnPIs for the selected building are displayed in a searchable list with the following information:
- Name provided at the time of creation.
- Trend shows the percentage difference from the baseline year. A value only displays when a baseline year is selected and data for that year is available, helping to track changes over time.
- Unit used in the EnPI calculations.
- More menu which allows you to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete the EnPI.
Indicator tab
When you select an EnPI this tab displays the Present value and History of the EnPI.
Present value
Displays the current value of the EnPI. The value is based on the average of the data point timeseries value: Div(Avg p1, Avg p2).
From the Present value gauge, you can use the Default threshold settings or configure your own.
Visualizes EnPI values over time, with units on the Y-axis and EnPI values on the X-axis. You can toggle between Line and Bar graph views, with Line chart and Day resolution as the default settings. Baseline year values are highlighted in a distinct color, allowing easy comparison with actual values.
Settings tab
This tab displays the settings for the EnPI. You can modify these settings when the EnPI list, select the More menu for the EnPI and then select Edit.