This feature is available for heating and cooling in the Total consumption, Consumption by site, Heating, and Cooling widgets.
This feature is available only for consumption.
At least 12 months of consumption data are required to show valid weather normalized values.
Weather normalization (or weather-adjustment) is a process that mathematically adjusts measured consumption data to represent consumption in an average or reference year for one location. This accounts for weather differences that may result in abnormally high or low consumption. For example, if you compare two buildings in different climatic areas and find one to be less efficient, you need to have confidence that the difference was not caused by different weather conditions in these two locations. At the same time, you can reliably monitor energy efficiency improvements over time by extracting volatile weather influences.
You can apply one of the following weather normalization calculation methods. Their configuration is available under the Configuring weather normalization settings section of the Configuration page.
- Balance point method: Is based on the measured consumption of the last 12 months (analysis period) and the on-site weather data. The optimal balance point temperature is derived using regression for HDD/CDD (heating/cooling degree days) and the consumption with different balance point temperature. The resulting linear equation is then used to weather normalize consumption taking the optimal balance point temperature, reference year, local and reference weather station into account.
- Accumulated method: The accumulated method applies HDD/CDD (heating/cooling degree days) as defined by the user. It derives a climate factor by considering the user defined HDD/CDD, local weather station, reference weather station and reference year. This method does not consider the building's actual consumption and thermodynamics.
Activating Weather Normalization
To activate weather normalization, select More > Data > Weather-adjusted, balance point method or Weather-adjusted, accumulated method.
To deactivate the feature, select More > Data > Measured values.
When the feature is activated, the card displays data as follows:
- Adjusted total consumption value: The adjusted total consumption value is calculated by adding up the weather-adjusted values for heating and cooling, while for the other consumption groups the actual values are considered.
- Measured total consumption value: The actual total consumption value is calculated by adding up the actual consumption values for the individual consumption groups.
- Weather-adjusted label: Indicates that weather normalization is enabled and shows information about the selected method. Place your mouse pointer on the information button to see the list of currently supported weather stations.
- More: For more information, see More button.
- Actual and weather-adjusted total consumption: This bar chart displays the actual (dark blue bar) and the weather-adjusted (light blue bar) total consumption. To see the exact consumption values, place your mouse pointer on the blue bars.
- Weather-adjusted and actual value difference: The result of applying reference weather conditions is expressed as a percentage difference between the actual and the weather-adjusted value.
- Weather-adjusted value curve: The blue curve displayed in the chart represents the weather-adjusted total value calculated by adding up the weather-adjusted values for heating and cooling, while for the other consumption groups the actual values are considered. To see the specific value, place your mouse pointer on the curve.