The Configuration page of the Energy Manager consists of the following cards:

  1. Sites: All locations and their parts and meters available for the company.
  2. Search: Search for a specific site.
  3. Detailed view: Contains information about the item selected in the Sites dropdown list.
  4. Individual configuration sections:
    - Weather normalization settings: Overview of weather normalization settings for a specific building or campus.
    - Tariffs: Overview of created tariffs for a specific building or campus. You can also create new and edit existing tariffs.
    - Emission factors: Overview of created emission conversion factors for a site. You can also create new and edit existing emission conversion factors.
    - Budgets: Overview of created budgets for a specific building or campus. You can also create new and edit existing budgets.
    - Calorific values: Overview of created calorific values for a site. You can also create new and edit existing calorific values.
    - Meters: Overview of created meters for a specific building or campus. When a meter is selected, two additional cards can be accessed: card Functional details contains additional meter information; card Reading contains the last reading of the selected meter.