Single network mode configuration

  1. Start Hyper-V Manager on your local machine.
  1. Open a context menu for the ConnectSoftware-Virtual Machine.
  1. Select Start.
  1. Open a context menu for ConnectSoftware-Virtual Machine.
  1. Select Connect.
  • A web console with running script displays.
  • Connect Software Virtual Machine is connected.

Separate network mode configuration

  1. Start Hyper-V Manager on your local machine.
  1. Open a context menu for the ConnectSoftware-Virtual Machine.
  1. Select Start.
  1. Open a context menu for ConnectSoftware-Virtual Machine.
  1. Select Connect.
  • A web console with running script displays.
  • Connect Software Virtual Machine is connected.
  1. If Connect Software Virtual Machine does not return the IP address, type in the following commands (The IP address must be in the same subnet as provided on the Windows machine):
  • nmcli con mod br-lan +ipv4.addresses 192.XXX.XXX.XXX/24
  • nmcli con up br-lan
  • ip a show br-lan
  • The last command returns the IP address assigned to Connect Software to log in.