Connect Software is a virtual edge device (virtual cloud gateway device), designed to connect physical machines based on Windows Operating Systems and the equipment connected underneath, to the cloud.

Detailed topology

  • Equipment: Includes physical devices such as controllers, sensors, and actuators in the building.
  • On premise:
    • Includes IT network and internet connectivity equipment.
    • Includes Windows based physical machine.
    • Includes Connect Software, which runs on the Hypervisor of underlying physical machine with support for ethernet or wireless connectivity. It also includes local UI for operation of Connect Software (can be accessed also from the cloud).
  • Cloud platform: Includes platform services of Building X.
  • Remote: Includes remote management capabilities of Connect Software via Devices as well as supported cloud SaaS apps of Building X.


Data communication between the Connected Devices on premise, Connect Software, and the cloud, requires internet connectivity (to be provided by the customer).