Controlled by / controls

The Controlled by / controls relationship labels the relation between multiple pieces of equipment and a control system that communicates with the piece of equipment.

Air Handling UnitEquipment type:RadiatorEquipment type:PXC5Device type:is controlled bycontrolsis controlled bycontrols
Example of the Controlled by / controls relationship

Edge gateway for / Edge gateway

The Edge gateway for / Edge gateway labels the relation between an Edge gateway (device behind gateway) and one or multiple control systems.

PXC5Device type:Intelligent ValveDevice type:X300Device type:Edge gatewayEdge gateway forEdge gatewayEdge gateway for
Example of the Edge gateway for / Edge gateway relationship

Part of / Parts

The Part of / Parts relationship labels the relation between a piece and equipment like a heating system or air handling unit and the pieces of equipment that are a part of the system or unit.

FanEquipment type:DamperEquipment type: Air Handling UnitEquipment type:is part ofhas partshas partsis part of
Example of the Part of / Parts relationship

Supplied by / Supplies

The Supplied by / Supplies relationship labels the relation between a piece and equipment like a heating system or air handling unit and the pieces of equipment that supply the system or unit.

ChillerEquipment type:BoilerEquipment type: Air Handling UnitEquipment type:suppliessupplied bysuppliessupplied by
Example of the Supplied by / Supplies relationship