To adjust the pagination for the table add pageLimit to the meta (ex. .addMeta({pageLimit: 25}) )
Type | render | colMeta | colMeta - kind | default |
Str | if length > 50 show rest as popover | maxLength: 50 |
Bool |
| trueText: "On" | trueText: Str | trueText: True |
Marker | display as tag with checkmark | color: "pink" | Str | #4e94b5 |
DateTime | use moment.js to format | format: "MM-YY HH" | Str | ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss |
Date | use moment.js to format | format: "MM Do" | Str | ddd MMM DD YYYY |
Time | use moment.js to format | format: "HH:mm A" | Str | HH:mm:ss |
Uri | render as string if https:// -> link | button: "Click Me" | button: "Click Me" |