Do not attempt to delete the device from the frontend.

Although normally the process to delete a device requires navigating to the gateway and selecting Delete from the frontend UI, doing so when migrating between partitions would cause a loss of data. To prevent this data loss, it is necessary to use backend API calls.


  • You are
  • You have the __ role.
  • An IT help desk professional is available for assistance.
  1. Navigate to the Building X landing page.
  1. In your browser development editor window, select the Network tab.
  1. In the upper left-hand side of the network window, Select the circle-backslash symbol to clear the network log.
  1. Select your device.
  1. In the browser development window, select the stop network log button, found to the left of “clear".
  1. Under the “name” row, select the first network log message. Expand the window so you can see all the related information. Ensure you have chosen the correct message by examining the request URL to identify partitions accompanied with an id followed by devices accompanied with an ID.
  1. Copy the partition ID segment of this URL path, NOTICE! omitting the preceding slash. CAUTION! Leave this window open for later.
  1. Switch to the API Device NB v2 web browser.
  1. Scroll to the Devices section and select Delete to expand.
  1. Select Try It Out.
  1. Paste the partition ID copied from the URL into the partition ID string field.
  1. Navigate to the Building X landing page.
  1. From the same request URL, copy the device ID, NOTICE! omitting the preceding slash.
  1. In the Devices section of the API web browser, paste this copied string into the Device ID field under Delete.
  1. Set Purge to “True”.
  1. Select Execute. A loading buffer will appear. Scroll down to responses and verify the code 200 message says “successful”.
  1. Switch to the Building X page. You should see errors in the bottom-right indicating the device has gone offline.
  1. Refresh the page.
  • The device should be absent from the Device list.