On a server, you must request an activation key and register your server with Building X. Next you will install the latest Building X version. Select the version of Desigo Optic you are using from the dropdown. Now you will be able to run Desigo Optic on your computer and establish a connection. By default, Optic will manage the SBC agent. However, optionally you can configure Optic so that it is not managing the SBC agent, in which case the SBC agent must be started manually. See Manually Configuring Cloud Connector.

  1. In the Desigo Optic runtime options menu, Select Include Building X Connect Agent. This will cause the appearance of the SBC agent file, an executable that must be run for Optic to communicate with the building X cloud.
  1. Fill out super user password and select Next.
  1. On the next popup screen, first uncheck Fetch license from cloud and then choose the license path before selecting next.
  1. Choose a start menu folder and select Next.
  • The installation process will begin, indicated by the changing status of the progress bar.
  1. Once the status says Complete, note the activation key in the installer output for later use before selecting Next. NOTICE! For future reference, this key can also be found as a saved file in the destination folder of the designated file path.
  1. Ensure SBS agent is running. Either (1) Start SBS agent manually (recommended for zip file installation). (2) In this case, Optic must be configured to manage SBC agent. Start Desigo Optic, create or open a project, and enable building X cloud connector ext, which will start SBS agent. NOTICE! Currently, Cloud Connector only supports one project at a time. Attempts to connect multiple projects to Building X will disrupt the bidirectional synchronization process.

Next, you will either progress through the Setup Wizard, or install Desigo Optic with a ZIP file. NOTICE! Before proceeding to the Setup Wizard, remember the following steps specific to Building X Cloud Connector:


(1) SBCagent is not managed by Desigo Optic, so only the sbcagent parent location is needed.


(2) sbcagent will be managed by Desigo Optic, in which case specify the parent folder path and port numbers on the settings page.

On the runtime Options page, checking this box will skip the sbcagent settings.