1. Install FIN 5.1 on your machine.
  1. Stop both Optic services. You cannot migrate a project if one or both services are running.
  1. Update memory heap for the Command Prompt.
  • Note the current version of Java and the size of the Optic 5.0.X instance.
  • Navigate to the sys folder in Optic 5.1 to find the config.props file.
  • Open the config.props file and un-comment line 56 regarding java.options by removing the two leading forward slashes in the front.
  • If using a version other than 5.0.512, change the 512 number to the same number as your version of Optic 5.0.X.
  1. Move the project into Optic 5.1.
  • Navigate to the Optic 5.0.X proj folder.
  • Copy and paste, cut and paste, or drag and drop the project into the Optic 5.1 proj folder.
  1. Navigate to the bin folder of Optic 5.1.
  1. In the bin folder, right-click on finmigrate.bat and run it as an administrator.
  • The Project migration tool window will open.
  1. In the Project migration tool, click Open next to Select FIN Project folder to migrate.
  • The Browser For Folder window will open.
  1. Select the project you want to migrate.
  • Click OK to migrate the project.
  • The migration tool will display a complete message. Close the migration tool window and start the FIN 5.1 service to log into the migrated project.


Enumerated objects may fault after migration

To fix these objects, run the following commands through Folio :

Fix All Read Points

readAll(point and kind=="Str" and enum and bacnetCur and not curConvert and not writable and not actions).findAll (x=> x->bacnetCur.contains("M")).map x => diff(x, {curConvert:"-1 enumNumberToStr(self, false)"}).commit

Fix All Write Points

readAll(point and kind=="Str" and enum and bacnetCur and writable and actions and not writeConvert).findAll (x=> x->bacnetCur.contains("M")).map x => diff(x, {curConvert:"-1 enumNumberToStr(self, false)",writeConvert:"enumStrToNumber(self, false) +1"}).commit