• Download the DesigoOptic.exe installation file for the latest released version from https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109808398.
  • If Desigo Optic is currently installed:
    • Click Show hidden icons in the status bar, right-click on the Desigo Optic icon, and select Stop service.
    • You may uninstall Desigo Optic before installing the new version, or you may select an option in the Setup Wizard to automatically uninstall the older version.
Prevent loss of project data.

Before uninstalling any version of FIN Stack, do one of the following to prevent loss of data:

  1. Backup all project data and save it outside the Desigo Optic directory.
  1. Copy or move the db (databases) folder out of the Desigo Optic directory.