Follow the steps in this section to run Desigo Optic through the cmd prompt.
If Desigo Optic is already installed as a service, do the following to run it through the Command Prompt:
• Stop the service.
• Skip Steps 1 and 2 in the following procedure.
In this case, the Welcome screen for the Setup Wizard does not display.
- Unzip the DesigoOptic folder and place it in the location where you would like to store it. This procedure assumes the folder is C:\Program Files (x86).
- If a license is already available to upload, you can add it to the proj folder now, or upload it after running Desigo Optic.
- Open a Command Prompt window as administrator. Then navigate to the bin folder and copy the path to it. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Desigo Optic\Desigo Optic\bin
- Do the following in the Command Prompt window:
- Enter your path for the bin folder and append
to it.
- Put quotes (
) around the modified path for the bin folder.
- Add the parameter for the port the program will run on. The default is 85.
- For example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Desigo Optic\Desigo Optic\bin\finstack" -httpPort 85
- A message confirms that FIN Stack has started on the specified port.
- Enter http://localhost:85/finMobile/[your project name] in the address bar of a browser.
To find the project name, go into the Desigo Optic directory under the db folder, which contains your project(s).
- The Setup Wizard Welcome screen displays.
The Setup Wizard does not display if the Settings are already configured and you are re-running FIN Stack.
- Go through each step of the wizard to complete the setup.
- Upload the license in the License section if it was not manually uploaded.
- The Desigo Optic login page displays when the installation is complete.
- Log in using the following credentials:
User name: su
Password: the password set during the installation process.
- Desigo Optic is now ready to use.
Stopping Desigo Optic
Do any of the following to stop Desigo Optic:
- Close the cmd prompt window.
- Keep the cmd prompt window open, press CTRL+C and then Y for Yes.
Large Project
Run the following command if you have a large project or handful of projects that require a larger heap size. This command specifies a memory heap size that can handle larger projects.
- Modify the bold text in the following command to match your system:
java -Xmx
1024M -cp "
C:\Program Files (x86)\Desigo Optic\Desigo Optic\lib\java\sys.jar" -Dfan.home="
C:\Program Files (x86)\Desigo Optic\Desigo Optic" proj -httpPort