Spare parts for ACTF230 actuator
Reference | Description | Material | Minimum | Weight | Dimensions (mm) | Equipment combinations |
ACTF230-SEAL | Seal for ACTF230-MANUAL actuator | Plastic | 100 | 1 g | ACTF230-MANUAL | |
ACTF230-PADLOCK | Padlock for blocking lever of ACTF230-EL B actuator (2 keys included) All ACTF230-PADLOCK share the same key type | Brass, stainless steel | 1 | 100 g | ACTF230-EL Bxxx |
Spare parts for F230 cylinder valve
Reference | Description | Material | Minimum | Weight | Dimensions (mm) | Equipment combinations |
F230-CAP-PM | Protection cap for actuation port for mounting a pneumatic or manual actuator | Plastic | 10 | 1.14 g | F230-xxxx | |
F230-CAP-EL | Protection cap for actuation port for mounting a solenoid actuator | Plastic | 10 | 3.71 g | F230-xxxx | |
F230-SNUT | Safety cap for M24x1.5 valve outlet | Brass, stainless steel | 1 | 65.23 g |