This section outlines the following procedures for modifying a schedule:

  • Adding a switching point
  • Using the expanded modification controls
    • Modifying the time
    • Deleting a switching point
    • Changing the current value or setting
    • Returning an object to the Schedule default

Adding a switching point

Use this procedure to add a new change of value or setting to the schedule.

  1. While in Edit mode, click on the day and time where the switching point is needed.
  • A new switching point displays.
  1. Enter or select the value of the switching point.
  1. Click Save to save the new switching point.

NOTE: Cancel discards all changes since the last save.

Modifying a switching point

Modify the time
Drag the switching point to the desired time. Use the up-and-down arrows to adjust the time in one-minute increments.
Click Save.

Delete the switching point
Click the value of the point, and then click to remove the current switching point.
Click Save.

Command controls
Click the switching point to select it and click on the value to open the modification controls. Enter a new value (analog object) or select a new setting (binary or multistate object). For analog objects, the minimum / maximum range for the object displays above this field.
Click Save.

Return to default
Select Return to default to return the object to the Schedule default.
Click Save.