invoke - Invokes an arbitrary Fantom or Axon function. The invoke block will apply certain execution time restrictions on the function invoked.

Axon invoke Function Usage and SSD Memory Protection

Error Message and Cause:

When using the invoke function within Axon scripts, such as in the program alarmsWordManagement, an error may arise if functions like finSetAlarmCodeRecsIsAlarmVal inadvertently commit persistent tags rather than transient ones. This action can trigger an error message warning that the SSD memory could become overwhelmed due to excessive write operations.

Avoiding the Error:

To prevent this error and protect the SSD memory:

Validate Non-null Arguments: Ensure that all arguments passed to the invoke function are non-null to prevent routines from stopping unexpectedly.

Use Pure Functions: Call only pure functions with invoke that do not directly modify system state. Any necessary state changes should be returned as function results and handled separately.

Transient Tagging: When writing to tags within invoked functions, use the transient flag to avoid persistent writes that can wear out SSD memory.

By following these guidelines, you can avoid errors and ensure the longevity and reliability of your system's SSD memory.


ternary - Check if condition is true and evaluates the true block, otherwise evaluates the false block

analogToDigital - Converts an Analog value (number) to a Digital value (boolean). Output FALSE only if output is 0, otherwise the output will be 1.

digitalToAnalog - Converts a Digital value (boolean) to an Analog value (number). A value of TRUE returns 1 and a value of FALSE returns 0.

dewPoint - Receives in input a dry bulb temperature value (°C) and a relative humidity value (%) and it calculates the Dew Point (°C).

onHolder - If input is TRUE, holds the TRUE output for a defined amount of time. If both durations are set, onDuration (seconds) wins over onStatusDuration.

recordMaxValue - Holds the max value received in input.

recordMinValue - Holds the min value received in input.

amountOfHeat - Start from pulse input and defined both scaling and scalingMultiplier, the pulse input is used to define a pulsesPerMinute variable. Output value is calculated and updated every minute. If the reset input is set to TRUE, the output value goes back to 0.

deltaAmountOfHeat - Starting from pulse input and defined both scaling and scalingMultiplier, the pulse input is used to define a pulsesPerMinute variable. Output value is added to the previous value and it's updated every minute. If the reset input is set to TRUE, the output value goes back to 0.

thermalOutput - Starting from pulse input and defined both scaling and scalingMultiplier, the pulse input is used to define a pulsesPerInterval variable. Output value (kWh) is updated every thermalOutputCalculationInterval.

historyValue - Calculates operations on History Values (Max, Min, Average). This block contacts the hisRead function with the hisRollUp function and then applies Max, Min, or Avg.

upAndDownCounter - The output is a numeric value that increases or decreases based on rising edge of the given inputs. The output won't go below zero.

runtimeCounter - If input is TRUE, the output turns to TRUE only when time expires.

enthalpy - Calculates the Enthalpy when given in input a temperature (°C) and a humidity (%). Output will be in kJ/kg measure.