An object's PRESENT_VALUE is dependent on PriorityArray and RelinquishDefault properties.

All the project devices will be on same local network number and local bind address.

The bacnetServerLocalAddress and bacnetServerNetwork tags no longer needed on the bacnetServer extension.

All the project devices should have a unique device instance number and MAC address.

Added new properties:
a) RelinquishDefault on all Value Objects (AV/BV/MSV)
b) PropertyList on all supported objects
c) Polarity for BI

Points with Str type and missing the enum tag, won't be added to Server Device (strings don’t exist in BACnet protocol).

Writing a value of 0 to any specific index of MSV will clear that index (Null).

When the Server is enabled, BBMD and FD are not supported and will not process local broadcast messages.

BACnet Client and Server cannot communicate with each other on the same PC.

The bacnetServerConfigureIp() function has been deprecated.

BACnet Client and Server must have different instance number if in the same instance of Optic.