The user can query for the alarm topics via Folio and edit or duplicate them.

Go to Folio → Launch → query for alarmTopic

From here, the user can select the topic and edit or duplicate.

The user can edit the topicOn filter to whatever they alarm filter they want to configure


Some alarm topicOn examples:

alarm //any alarm

alarm and hvac //any alarm where alarmBlock has the "hvac" tag in the program

alarm and equipRef->vav //any alarm under equip in the database is tagged as "vav"

alarm and targetRef->vav //any alarm where the target in the database is tagged as "vav" (if both equip and point are tagged the same as the filter, double alarms will be sent for each target equip and point)

alarm and targetRef->equipRef->vav //any alarm where target in the database has a ref to equip with "vav" tag

alarm and targetRef->siteRef->dis=="JB Tower" //any alarm where target in the database has a ref to a site called "JB Tower"

alarm and targetRef->siteRef==@p:demo:r:1eeaf021-825d1e56 //same as previous but with id