dateTimeAdd: adds a duration (days, hrs, mins, or secs) to a dateTime
dateTimeSub: subtracts a duration (days, hrs, mins, or secs) from a dateTime
dtToDtAdd: adds one dateTime to another dateTime; results in a duration of minutes or seconds. Note: This is not to be considered a traditional add function. Rather, the result is in fact an invert of a subtraction of the two inputs. Meaning, if the difference is 30 minutes, then the result is written as -30 min. So it is actually subtracting the two inputs and then inverting the math sign of the result.
dtToDtSub: subtracts one dateTime from another dateTime; results in a duration of minutes or seconds
timeToTimeAdd: adds one time to another time; results in a duration of minutes or seconds. Note: This is not to be considered a traditional add function. Rather, the result is in fact an invert of a subtraction of the two inputs. Meaning, if the difference is 30 minutes, then the result is written as -30 min. So it is actually subtracting the two inputs and then inverting the math sign of the result.
timeToTimeSub: subracts one time from another time; results in a duration of minutes or seconds