Modbus is supported on the F200. Below are the requirements and how to configure it.


Install OS version 5.0.13 or later.

Install FIN Framework software version v5.1.3.80 or later.

Configure communication parameters (speed, parity, stopbits) in the “COM ports” section of the device setting page and save.


Allow port 502 in the TCP ports field in the “Firewall” section of the device setting page and save.


The URI for the Modbus connector in FIN Framework use:

modbus-tcp://localhost:9001 if the device is connected to COM1.

modbus-tcp://localhost:9002 if the device is connected to COM2.

Even if it’s Modbus RTU, it forwards the serial communication to the internal TCP port. For this reason a tcp syntax and a specific port (9001 or 9002) are required.