The user can enter their bbmd entries in the bacnetRegisterAsBBMD function and then run the query in Folio → Launch.

The parameters are:

bbmdEntries: The BDT table entries in the BBMD. If multiple entries are required, they can add them as comma separated similar to the example below.

maxFdtEntries: maximal number of entries in FDT. Default value is 16. Range (1-65535)

executeWriteBDT: false- Do now allow Write BDT to overwrite current BDT entries, true- Allow Write BDT

twoHops: false- means direct broadcast, and true- denotes unicast method using another BBMD


bacnetRegisterAsBBMD([[ip1,port1,subnet1],[ip2,port2,subnet2]], maxFdtEntries, executeWriteBDT, twoHops)

bacnetRegisterAsBBMD([["",47808,""],["",47808,""]], 25, true, false)

To unregister as a BBMD, run this bacnetUnRegisterBBMD() function via Folio and that's it.