The Discovery Filters was created to allow the users to filter for certain BACnet objects to narrow down the search.



Properties of Discovery Filters popup:

Point Type - Select the object type to be filtered. If it doesn’t exist in the default list, a new type can be entered. It has to be in ALL CAPs.

Instance Range - Enter the range in which the object instance(s) are within to find them. The range can be between 0-4194302.

Add Filter - This where additional filters can be added to filter multiple object types at one time.

Reset - This would reset the filters back to the default to discover all object types.

Process when using Discovery Filters:

The user would first select the BACnet connector they wish to discover points on.

Then select the Discovery Filters button to apply desired filter(s).

After that, discover the points using the Discover Points button.

If the Discovery Filters need to be modified after having discovered the points, open the Discovery Filters popup again and make the necessary changes.

Then either do a Re-discover to apply the new discovery filters or unselect the current BACnet connector to reselect it again and do a Discover Points. If using this on a device that has a ton of points, we recommend doing the latter as the points are currently cached and will load quicker than a re-discover.