If it is a "VarBindingErr" error, then it means that the point(s) binding in that particular target that is throwing the error does not match the point(s) in the database when the program was made. To resolve this, the user has to either 1) make sure the point in DB Builder matches the binding in the program or 2) modify the point binding in the program so that it matches what the point has in DB Builder. Keep in mind doing #2 will affect the rest of the equip targets the program is running on if it doesn't match there either. Basically resolve this, you just need the point binding to match what you have in the database. If you have multiple of these var errors, then you have multiple points you'll need to check the bindings on and cross reference what you have in DB Builder.
Example Vav-02 is throwing a var error. So we select it and look at the point variables we have in there. In this case there is only one (Room Temp), we select to edit it. Then look at the binding. It looks like it has "foo" tag in it as well when our points in DB don't have that. To resolve this, we can either remove "foo" from the binding or tag all of our points in the database with "foo" and it'll work.