The Video API Service cannot be restarted or is not accessible

Most likely this happens due to missing file permissions in the installation folder of the service if the service was used before under a different user account. The service account needs the right to modify and write files in the folder and subfolders of %PROGRAMDATA%\Siemens. You can check the file permissions as follows:

The used account has to be added to the administrator role inside the VMS management client.

The Password and Username are no Longer Functional

Sometimes, passwords or machine names changes later in the process. The following situations can occur:

Changes in the VideoApiService.exe.config

If the machine name or service username or any of the BaseAddress parameters in the VideoApiService.exe.config change after the service is installed, the following command has to be performed from the installation directory as an Administrator:

VideoApiService.exe -setupsecurity [computername\user] [password]

Password and Username Changes

The Service Manager tool is used if a username or password needs to be changed. If the user for the Video API service is not in a Windows Domain, the password must be changed on each machine where the user exists. Again, this is done automatically in a domain and needs to be done manually for all local accounts in a workgroup.