MSIEXEC Installer

The installer uses the program msiexec.exe to perform and install the VS deliveries. Installing VS in quiet mode by a console or a guided GUI is possible. The following three features, which can be installed separately or in any combination, are available:

  • Video API Service
  • Video API Proxy
  • MediaPlayer


Location of Important Files

  • Program files\Siemens\Video API: This is the default installation path. All features are selected by pressing the default button.
  • %ProgramData%\Siemens\VideoApi: The log files of Video API are stored here.
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI*.LOG: The installation logs are stored here.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siemens\VideoApi: The installer writes a registry entry with the current installed Video API version. The path to the key is stored here. The name of the key is the Version and the type of the value is: REG_SZ.


Running the MSI Installer as Local Administrator

The MSI installer package needs to be run with local administrator rights. Depending on OS type domain, administrators do not have local administrator rights by default.

  1. Open a terminal window.
  1. Enter the following command:
    msiexec/i InstallVideoApi.msi

Recreating the API Token

The API will be unauthenticated until the command VideoApiService.exe generateapikey is performed. Every time this command is performed, a new token will be generated. This is the only time it will be made available. If the token is lost, you can repeat these steps.

  1. Open a terminal window as administrator.
  1. Navigate to the service installation directory. The default is C:\ProgramFiles\Siemens\Video API\Service.
  1. Enter the following command:
    VideoApiService.exe -generateapikey
  1. Write down the token.
  1. Restart the Video API Service to enable the API again.
  1. Copy the token and transfer it to Siveillance Control. For more information refer to: Creating the VMS Connection.