Displaying Video Alarms

You can configure video alarms in the VMS Management Client. For this, you have to create an alarm or message definition with the corresponding event and assign one or more cameras connected to the Siveillance Control VMS server.

For more information refer to the VMS documentation.

To display video alarms and messages in Siveillance Control, you first have to establish a connection with the VMS server.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • The VMS connection has been configured in the Video Configuration perspective.
  • The video alarm has been configured on the VMS Management Client.
  1. In the runtime client, open either the Single, +3 or +5 perspective.
  1. In the System Tree, right-click the gray VMS connection icon and select Connect.
  • While connecting, the icon appears yellow. If the connection was established successfully, the icon turns green. Incoming video alarms and messages appear in the Message List view. The video is displayed for the corresponding camera.
  • If the connection cannot be established, the icon turns red and an error message appears.
  1. To disconnect the VMS server, right-click the VMS connection and select Disconnect.

Update of the Message List View

If you connect the VMS server after a longer loss of connection, the Message List view is updated:

  • All alarms and messages displayed before the loss of connection are still displayed. However, their state is updated in case of occurring changes during the loss of connection.
  • Alarms and messages that occurred during the loss of connection are displayed as new messages.

Resetting Video Alarms and Messages

You can reset and finish one or more video alarms and messages. You can select and process several messages at the same time. You have the following options:

  1. To manually reset the video message, right-click the message and select Reset Message.
  • The message is set to quiet.
  • Right-click the message and select Close Message.
  1. To automatically reset the video message, select Auto-close alarm in the VMS management client.
  • When the defined period expires, the alarm is set automatically to quiet state and can be ended from the context menu.

Creating OPS for Cameras

You can create OPS for a camera or a trigger in the same way as for any other devices. For more information refer to: Messages, Events and Operation Procedure Steps in Configuration.

  • The OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. Right-click a camera or a trigger and select Create Annotation > Create Operation Procedure Step.
  1. Enter the information.
  1. Click Finish.

Configuring OPS for Resetting Video Alarms

You can reset a video alarm in Siveillance Control using OPS. Perform the following steps to create an OPS:

  • The OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Location tree or System Tree, right-click a camera and select Create Annotation > Create Operation Procedure Step.
  1. In the Workflow/Escalation tab, select the required context from the For Context drop-down list. For more information, refer to Creating Operation Procedure Steps.
  1. In the OPS to be performed tab, perform the following steps:
  • Enter a label for OPS in the Label field.
  • Select Reset VMS Message from the OPS Type drop-down list.
  1. Click Finish.