Cases where you want to use new features for one or several automation stations:

  • Extend the site with new devices from the latest version (recently introduced).
  • Benefit from new features both on firmware and applications (recently introduced).
  • Replace an automation station type with another automation station type, which does not have the possibility to fully reuse the application program, and needs to be reprogrammed.

Prerequisites for upgrading from Desigo V6.2 Update 4 to V6.3 (Offline)

  • The XWP V6.3 Tool and library and the ABT V4.3 Site/Pro Tool and libraries are installed.
  • For details, see the release notes for the applicable tool: XWP, ABT Pro, and ABT Site.
  • The needed RC local library V6.3 is installed.
  • For details, contact your local Tool Manager.
  • You have the project data and the credentials for the project you want to work on.
  • The project data conversion from V6.2 Update 4 to V6.3 happens automatically.
    • When you open an XWP project, the XWP project is converted automatically.
    • When you open an automation station in XWP, the CFC data is converted automatically.
    • When you navigate to ABT Site, the conversion is done automatically.

Once XWP data and/or ABT data have been converted, you may not open the project with an old tool version.

The new TIA15.1 version is included with the ABT V4.3 Tools installation. Conversion is needed.

For details, see Project Converter Wizard (CM110633en28_06).

How to upgrade from Desigo V6.2 Update 4 to V6.3 (Online)

  1. Upgrade the automation station firmware and the application to the latest version.
    • Read back the parameters of the device with the tool.
    • Check the availability of the latest firmware per device in the VVS table.
    • For details about upgrading the automation station firmware, see the documentation of the applicable tool: XWP, ABT Pro, and ABT Site.
    • Upgrade the application type (ABT Site).
    • Upgrade the device type (ABT Pro).
    • For details about upgrading the application program, see the documentation of the applicable tool: XWP, ABT Pro, and ABT Site.
    • Make specific changes according to the new features.
    • Run a full compile and load the upgraded program.
  2. If you upgrade from a lower version than V6.2, run the global commanding script for the alarming improvements.
  3. Upgrade Desigo CC and/or Desigo Control Point.
  4. To support new features in the system, the Desigo CC and/or Desigo Control Point version must correspond to the highest installed version. e.g., updates of functions included in Desigo V6.3 need the latest Desigo Control Point release version from Desigo V6.3 to function fully.