KNX PL-Link (PeripheraL-Link) connects communicating room and field devices (room devices, sensors, actors) with the PXC3 room automation station and the DXR2 compact room automation station. KNX PL-Link fully complies with the KNX standard.
Siemens field devices can be connected to the KNX PL-Link using the KNX PL-Link plug & play capability. KNX PL-Link devices are configured using the Desigo tools. The KNX commissioning software (ETS) is not needed.
One or more KNX PL-Link devices are connected to the trunk of the corresponding room automation station in a line topology.
A comprehensive library with preconfigured devices supports simple engineering.
The PXC3 room automation station allows for simultaneous integration of devices with KNX PL-Link and KNX S-Mode on a single bus line. Devices with KNX S-Mode are additionally commissioned using ETS.
The following figure shows an example of a logical network topology with KNX PL-Link devices, a room automation station and several rooms.
Power supply concept
The PXC3 and DXR2 room automation stations have an integrated KNX power supply to supply their trunks with the corresponding KNX PL-Link devices. This allows simple installations, e.g., an automation station with one or a few room units, without an extra device for power supply to the KNX PL-Link network. If many KNX PL-Link devices are connected, the power supply at the room automation stations is shut off and an external KNX power supply must be used.
The following figure shows the concept of a built-in power supply unit (PSU):
System devices
Third-party KNX devices can be integrated in KNX PL-Link networks via KNX S-mode. The KNX Engineering Tool Software (ETS) is necessary to engineer and commission these devices.
DXR2.M.. automation stations cannot integrate KNX S-Mode devices.