Desigo contains all the alarm texts necessary to help the user maintain an overview and an understanding of the alarms. These alarm texts can be freely defined in the engineering tool for each alarm source individually. If this is not done, text will be generated automatically on the basis of the Technical Designation of the individual function blocks. In a third category are the predefined alarm texts used in conjunction with device faults.
Configured alarm message texts
The Desigo system supports alarm message texts.
For Desigo PX the message texts for TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT and TO_NORMAL alarms are entered as an Array [3] in the BACnet property [Message_Text]. For Desigo room automation the BACnet Property Event_Message_Texts_Config is used.
For Desigo PX if no alarm message text has been entered for an alarm source, or if the alarm message text for a given state (e.g., TO_FAULT) has been left blank, an alarm message text will be generated from the existing descriptions.
Longer messages are divided into segments with forward slashes // so that the client can display the message over several lines. Each segment may contain a maximum of 70 characters, with a maximum of three segments separated by // for any one message.
Non-configured message texts
System alarms and events of the BACnet Device Info Object use text messages which cannot be configured, e.g., Battery low.
Predefined, language-dependent text
System alarms and events of the BACnet Device Info Object use non-configured text messages whose contents are language-dependent. These language-dependent texts are organized into text groups with a predefined server system text scope, and can be translated. The translated text groups are loaded into the automation station via BACnet description information.