Messages from the Message List view and events from the Event List view can be exported as a CSV file, for example for the following reasons:

  • You can use the CSV export to check the configured system. The exported CSV file proves that the configured system is functioning. Test data must include all message types that occur. Proof relates, for example, to the full complement of messages received.
  • You can back up completed messages and events for documentation purposes before deleting them. Also, you cannot reimport the file.

Exporting the Messages or Events

Only the currently visible contents in the Message List view or in the Event List view are exported. The visible contents are dependent on the current filter settings.

  • The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
  1. You have the following options to export messages:
  • To influence the export, filter the Message List or Event List view.
  • To export all messages, make sure that the Control mode is switched off.
  • To export submessages, expand them in the list.
  1. Click  Open View Menu and select Export into CSV file.
  1. Specify the target file name with a path.
  1. Click Finish.