BLOB (Binary Large Object) is a large file, typically an image or sound file that must be handled (e.g. uploaded, downloaded or stored in a database) in a special way because of its size. [SOURCE: TALUKDAR, Mrinal (): Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology. New Delhi : Prabhat Prakashan.]
The CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is a portable printing layer used on UNIX-based operating systems to provide a common printing interface across a local network. CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) for managing print jobs, print queues and it adds network printer browsing and PostScript Printer Description-based printing options. [SOURCE: Webopedia (2018): "What is CUPS? Webopedia Definition". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.12)]
Debian is a popular free and open source operating system for computers. It is based on the Linux kernel and other open source components from the GNU and other open source projects. Debian can be freely downloaded over the Internet or, for a small charge, obtained on CD. [SOURCE: (2018): "Debian". <> (State: 2006.11 Access: 2020.10.08)]
The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network management protocol used to dynamically assign an Internet Protocol (IP) address to any device, or node, on a network so they can communicate using IP. [SOURCE: TechTarget Network (2018): "DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)". <> (State 2018 Access: 2018.10.11)]
DHCP Server
A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server is a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP addresses, default gateways and other network parameters to client devices. It relies on the standard protocol known as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP to respond to broadcast queries by clients. [SOURCE: Infoblox | Next Level Networking - Secure DNS, DHCP & IPAM (DDI) (2018): "What is a DHCP Server?". <> (State 2018 Access: 2018.10.16)]
The DNS (Domain Name System) is a protocol that enables hierarchical names for internet domains and addresses. The protocol includes the means to translate between numerical IP addresses and text hostnames. [SOURCE: IEC 62481-1-1:2017 Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines - Part 1-1: Architecture and protocols - Core architecture and protocols]
DNS Server
A DNS (Domain Name System) server is a computer server that contains a database of public IP addresses and their associated hostnames, and in most cases, serves to resolve, or translate, those common names to IP addresses as requested. [SOURCE: Lifewire (2018): "What Is a DNS Server?". <> (State 2018.08.26 Access: 2018.10.16)]
An event is a situation that requires action in response to an incident. Receipt of a call or data message initiates an event. An event has a defined geographic or physical location and can escalate or deescalate. Different types of events cause different response workflows (SOPs). An event ends when any potentially required response operations have been completed.
A gateway is a unit connecting different networks or parts of one network and performing any necessary protocol translations. [SOURCE: DIN EN 50090-9-1:2004-11;VDE 0829-9-1:2004-11, Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 9-1: Installation requirements - Generic cabling for HBES Class 1 Twisted Pair]
GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. [SOURCE: Webopedia (2018): "What is GUI - Graphical User Interface? Webopedia Definition". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.16)]
A hostname is a unique identifier for a machine on a network. This identifier shall be unique within a local network. However, it may also be globally unique. The identifier can be an IP address. [SOURCE: DIN EN 62541-4:2015-10, OPC unified architecture - Part 4: Services (IEC 62541-4:2015)]
A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor, is a piece of software usually not very big in terms of computer or storage footprint, which makes server virtualization possible. It forms an abstraction layer between the server's hardware resources and the operating system containers. There are two types of hypervisors defining two different types of approaches: Type 1 hypervisor (bare-metal hypervisor) and tType 2 hypervisor (hosted hypervisor). [SOURCE: ABHILASH, G B / FITZHUGH, Rebecca (2016): Learning Vmware vSphere. Lay the foundations for data center virtualization using VMware vSphere 6 and strengthen your understanding of its power. Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd., 10.]
An incident is a specific occurrence that is either part of an event or would likely lead to an event requiring reaction from the control center staff.
Incident Handling
Incident handling is the processing and evaluation of incoming messages by the operator supported by workflow routines such as automatic documentation, suggested actions, alarm routines etc.
JBoss is an open-source and free Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application server from the JBoss Group, implemented purely in Java. [SOURCE: KUNNUMPURATHU, Meeraj (2004): JBoss 3.2.Deployment and Administration. New York : Apress Media, LLC, 1.]
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a subset of the Java Development Kit that can be distributed to end users. It contains the Java virtual machine, core classes and supporting files. [SOURCE: BIDGOLI, Hossein (2004):The Internet Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 386.]
Network Mirror
A network mirror is a mirror server where the installation files of the Linux distribution are located.
NGINX is an open source HTTP web server and reverse proxy server. In addition to offering HTTP server capabilities, NGINX can also operate as an IMAP/POP3 mail proxy server as well as function as a load balancer and HTTP cache server. NGINX can run on Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and BSD variants. [SOURCE: Webopedia (2018): "What is Nginx? Webopedia Definition". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.12)]
NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a standard for synchronizing computer system clocks in packet-based communication networks. NTP uses the connectionless network protocol UDP (see UDP) for enabling time to be reliably transmitted over networks with variable packet runtime. [SOURCE: DIN EN 62676-1-2:2014-11;VDE 0830-7-5-12:2014-11, Video surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 1-2: System requirements - Performance requirements for video transmission (IEC 62676-1-2:2013)]
OIS (Open Interface Services) is a standard interface which allows intelligent interactions and data exchange between different subsystems and management stations.
Open-vm-tools (Open Virtual Machine Tools) is the open source implementation of VMware Tools for Linux guest operating systems. [SOURCE: VMware Docs (2018): "Verwenden von open-vm-tools". <> (State: 2021 Access: 2021.09.28)]
Operator Log
An operator log is a record of performance, events, or day-to-day activities performed by the user. [SOURCE: Merriam-Webster (2018): "Log". <> (State 2018 Access: 2018.10.11)]
Partitioning is the act of dividing a disk into logical areas that can be worked with separately. [SOURCE: NEGUS, Christopher (2008): Linux® Bible, 2008 Edition: Boot Up to Ubuntu®, Fedora®, KNOPPIX, Debian®, openSUSE®, and 11 Other Distributions. Indianapolis : Wiley Publishiing, Inc., 263.]
PuTTY is a free Telnet and SSH terminal software for Windows and Unix platforms that enables users to remotely access computers over the Internet. [Webopedia (2018): "What is PuTTY? Webopedia Definition". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.12)]
SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It is based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. [SOURCE: Wikipedia (2018): "Secure copy". <> (State: 2018.10 Access: 2018.10.11)]
Spring is an open source framework intended to make J2EE development easier. It consists of a container, a framework for configuring and assembling components, and a set of snap-in services for transactions, persistence, and web user interfaces. [SOURCE: TATE, Bruce A. / GEHTLAND, Justin (2004): Better, Faster, Lighter Java. Beijing : O'Reilly Media, Inc., 151.]
SSH (Secure Shell) is a program to log into another computer over a network, to send commands to a remote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and secure communications over insecure channels. It is a replacement for rlogin, rsh, rcp, and rdist. [SOURCE: Webopedia (2018): "What is Secure Shell (SSH)? Webopedia Definition". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.12)]
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is an application layer security protocol to enable encrypted, authenticated communications across networks. [SOURCE: DIN EN 62676-1-2; VDE 0830-7-5-12:2014-11, Video surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 1-2: System requirements - Performance requirements for video transmission (IEC 62676-1-2:2013)]
Subnet Mask
A subnet mask is a method that allows one large network to be broken down into several smaller ones. [SOURCE: DIN EN 62676-1-2; VDE 0830-7-5-12:2014-11, Video surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 1-2: System requirements - Performance requirements for video transmission (IEC 62676-1-2:2013)]
Vi Editor
The Vi Editor (Visual Editor) is a screen editor for Linux, Unix and other Unix-like operating systems. It exclusively uses the keyboard and provides a very efficient interface for editing programs and scripts. [SOURCE: Techopedia (2018): "What is vi in Unix?". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.16)]
Virtual Machine
A virtual machine is a software construct that acts as container for installing and running conventional operating systems on a server hardware managed by a hypervisor. It is an isolation boundary between the operating systems running on the shared hardware. [SOURCE: ABHILASH, G B / FITZHUGH, Rebecca (2016): Learning Vmware vSphere. Lay the foundations for data center virtualization using VMware vSphere 6 and strengthen your understanding of its power. Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd., 14.]
VMware ESXi
VMware ESXi (Elastic Sky X Integrated) is an operating system-independent hypervisor based on the VMkernel operating system that interfaces with agents that run on top of it. ESXi is a type 1 hypervisor, meaning it runs directly on system hardware without the need for an operating system. [SOURCE: TechTarget Network (2018): "VMware ESXi". <> (State: 2018 Access: 2018.10.16)]
VMware Tools
VMware Tools is an optional, free set of drivers and utilities that enhances both the performance of a virtual machine’s guest operating system and interaction between the guest and the host. [SOURCE: TechTarget Network (2018): "Vmware Tools". <> (State: 2012 Access: 2018.10.19)]
VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere is a suite of core infrastructure solutions that help manage and monitor a virtual data center. VMware vSphere includes the VMware ESX/ESXi hypervisor, a type 1 hypervisor that functions as the virtualization server, the VMware vCenter Server, which manages vSphere environments, the VMware vSphere Client, which is used to install and manage virtual machines through the hypervisor, and VMware VMFS, the file system component from VMware. [SOURCE: ABHILASH, G B / FITZHUGH, Rebecca (2016): Learning Vmware vSphere. Lay the foundations for data center virtualization using VMware vSphere 6 and strengthen your understanding of its power. Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd., 22.]
WildFly is the new name for JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) [...]. WildFly provides high startup speed, low memory overhead, a high-performance, scalable web server, customizable runtime based on pluggable subsystems, and support for Java EE 7 and the latest web development standards. [SOURCE: VOHRA, Deepak (2015): Advanced Java® EE Development with WildFly®. Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd., v.]
WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is an open source free SFTP client, FTP client, WebDAV client, S3 client and SCP client for Windows. Its main function is file transfer between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this, WinSCP offers scripting and basic file manager functionality. [SOURCE: WinSCP (2018): "Introducing WinSCP". <> (State 2018 Access: 2018.10.16)]
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly. [SOURCE: Xface (2018): "About. <> (State 2018 Access: 2018.10.19)]