The following display and operating functions are available based on device configuration. If multiple room operator units are used, the last input wins.
- Room temperature display
- Room temperature setpoint or setpoint shift
- Room operating mode (ROpMod) (display only)
- Comfort button
- Fan speed
- Rapid ventilation
- Heating/cooling state (display only)
- Green Leaf function (display only)
- (Optional) Room air quality
- (Optional) Relative humidity for room
- (Optional) Window contact
- (Optional) Outside air temperature
If there is a mismatch, the ABT-SSA Field buses / KNX PL-Link bus will indicate the Room unit device is missing. The Application will NOT provide HVAC control to the room.
The following are configurable parameters for the room operating unit, plus descriptions of the possible settings.
( "✳" indicates a Siemens proprietary property)
Room unit, display temperature ✳
Room unit, display temperature defines which temperature values can be displayed.
None: Neither the room temperature nor the outside temperature is displayed.
Display room temperature: Only the room temperature is displayed. This setting is only meaningful if the room temperature sensor is enabled. The display is the average of all configured/valid room temperature sensors (PL-Link or hardwired) from all room segments combined into a Room configuration.
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Display outside air temperature: Only the outside temperature is displayed.
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Display room & outside air temp.: The room temperature and the outside temperature are displayed. Toggling between the values is enabled. This setting is only meaningful if the room temperature sensor is enabled.
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Room unit, display humidity ✳
Room unit, display humidity defines which relative humidity values can be displayed.
None: Neither the room relative humidity nor the outside relative humidity is displayed.
Display room humidity: Only the room relative humidity is displayed. This setting is only meaningful if the sensor for relative room humidity is enabled. The display is the average of all configured/valid room humidity sensors (PL-Link or hardwired) from all room segments combined into a Room configuration.
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Display outside air humidity: Only the outside relative humidity is displayed.
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Display room & outside humidity: The room relative humidity and the outside relative humidity are displayed. Toggling between the values is enabled. This setting is only meaningful if the sensor for relative room humidity is enabled.
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Room unit, display windows status ✳
Room unit, display windows status enables or disables the indication that a window is open. If a window is open, the connected window switch is active.
Yes: If a window is open, the icon for the open window is displayed.
No: If a window is open, no icon is displayed.
Room unit, display air quality ✳
Room unit, display air quality defines which air qualities can be displayed.
None: No air quality is displayed.
Display room air quality: The air quality of the room is displayed. This setting is only meaningful if the sensor for room air quality is enabled. The display is the average of all configured/valid room air quality sensors (PL-Link or hardwired) from all room segments combined into a Room configuration.
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Display outside air quality: The air quality of the outside is displayed.
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Note: This setting is only meaningful if a value for the air quality of the outside is available.
Display room & outside air quality: The air quality of the room and of the outside are displayed. Toggling between the values is enabled.
Navigation: , Key 1:
Note: This setting is only meaningful if a value for the air quality of the outside is available.
Room unit, air quality display ✳
Room unit, air quality display defines how the air quality is displayed.
Numeric, in ppm: The air quality is displayed as numeric value in ppm.
Symbolic: The air quality is displayed with the symbols --+, -++, and +++.
Textual: The air quality is displayed as Poor, Ok, or Good.
Room unit, display heating/cooling status ✳
Room unit, display heating/cooling status enables or disables the display of the plant state.
Yes: Icons indicate if the plant is heating or cooling.
No: The plant state is not displayed.
Room unit, room temp. setpoint display ✳
Room unit, room temp. setpoint display defines how the shift in the temperature setpoint is displayed.
Absolute temperature setpoint: The room temperature setpoint is displayed as absolute temperature value.
Relative setpoint shift: The value by which the temperature setpoint is changed is displayed.
Enable operation: room temperature setpoint ✳
Enable operation: room temperature setpoint defines if the temperature setpoint or the shift of the temperature setpoint is displayed and if the user can change either.
Yes: The temperature setpoint or the shift of the temperature setpoint is displayed and the user can change it. This setting is only meaningful if the room temperature sensor is enabled.
No: Neither the temperature setpoint nor the shift for the temperature setpoint is displayed and they cannot be changed.
Enable operation: fan speed setpoint ✳
Enable operation: fan speed setpoint defines if the fan speed is displayed and if the user can change the fan speed.
Yes: The fan speed is displayed and you can change it.
Key 3:
No: The fan speed is not displayed and you cannot change it.
Enable operation: room humidity setpoint ✳
Enable operation: room humidity setpoint defines if the relative humidity setpoint is displayed and if the user can change it.
Yes: The relative humidity setpoint is displayed and you can change it. This setting is only meaningful if the sensor for relative room humidity is enabled.
No: The relative humidity setpoint is not displayed and you cannot change it.
Enable operation: air quality setpoint ✳
Enable operation: air quality setpoint defines if the air quality setpoint is displayed and if the user can change it.
Yes: The air quality setpoint is displayed and you can change it. This setting is only meaningful if the sensor for room air quality is enabled.
No: The air quality setpoint is not displayed and you cannot change it.
Enable operation: temporary comfort ✳
Enable operation: temporary comfort defines if the user can use Key 8 to set the room into temporary Comfort mode for a configurable time (120 minutes default).
Key 8:
Yes: The user can set the room into temporary Comfort mode. (this is the default configuration for preloaded templates)
No: The user cannot set the room into temporary Comfort mode.
If configuring a completely new template in ABT Site, this parameter must be selected and enabled (set to Yes) if temporary Comfort mode by pressing Key 8 is the desired behavior. Note that since Key 8 is used for both temporary Comfort and also for Presence button, only one can be configured as active – see Startup document for how to configure.
Enable operation: presence button ✳
Enable operation: presence button defines if the user can confirm his presence by pressing key 8.
Key 8:
Yes: The user can confirm his presence by pressing key 8 (activates Comfort mode).
Presence can be toggled from On to Off by re-pressing Key 8 (deactivates Comfort mode).
If user does not manually press key 8 a second time, presence / Comfort expire after a configurable delay (default 120 minutes).
No: The user cannot confirm his presence by pressing Key 8.
Enable operation: room op.mode ✳
Enable operation: room op.mode defines if the room climate operating mode is displayed and if the user can change it.
Yes: The room climate operating mode is displayed and you can change it.
Key 7:
No: The room climate operating mode is not displayed and you cannot change it.
Enable operation: green leaf ✳
Enable operation: green leaf defines if the Green Leaf LED indicates if the conditions for the energy efficiency state are fulfilled and whether the user can reset the application to energy efficient parameter values.
Yes: The Green Leaf LED indicates if the conditions for the energy efficiency state are fulfilled, and you can reset the application to energy efficient parameter values by pressing the Green Leaf LED when it isn’t green.
No: The Green Leaf LED does not indicate if the conditions for the energy efficiency state are fulfilled and you cannot reset the application to energy efficient parameter values.