User can partially activate the quantity of license on the desired machine. One license can be shared on multiple systems.
Example: The activation id received in the e-mail has multiple licenses. User can use the licenses on one or different machines by using partial activation.
Partial Activation using Activation ID
- Browse to Activatable Items view.
- In Trusted Store Licensing > Select Activation ID from the Navigation pane on the left pane
- Copy Activation IDs in the e-mail, received from LMS, and paste in to the Activation ID text box.
- Enter the quantity of license(s) in the Install Count text box.
Example: You need to activate 5 licenses out of 10 available licenses.
- Click Add Activation ID.
- Click Activate License.
Partial Activation using Entitlement ID
- Browse to Activatable Items view.
- In Trusted Store Licensing > Select Entitlement ID from the Navigation pane on the left pane.
- Copy Entitlement IDs in the e-mail, received from LMS, and paste in to the Entitlement ID text box.
- Click Retrieve Entitlement.
- Line Items appear on the Activatable Items view.
- Go to the Install Count column. This column is editable.
- User can check the available license count in the Purchased Quantity column.
- Double-click and enter the number of license(s) you want to activate in the Install Count column.
Example: You need to activate 5 licenses out of 10 available licenses.
- Click Activate License.
- User can check the remaining license count in the Remaining column.
Partial return of licenses
- Browse to Licensed Products view.
- Select any Trusted Store license needed from the Licensed Products view.
- Double click and enter the return license count in the Return Count Column.
Example: You need to return 5 licenses out of 10 available licenses.
- Click the Return/Remove tab on the bottom.
- Set the Return type as Online return.
- Click the Execute button.