In order to handle engineering use cases, LMU also supports remote dongle engineering. Purpose of remote dongles is to lend temporarily (a few hours) a certificate-based license over network, e.g. the customer (host) PC is physically not accessible (e.g. hosted on virtual server) or the engineer is on a remote location.

Thus, using Remote Dongle Engineering, a support engineer can use his engineer PC with a certificate license to access a customer PC and carry out engineering operations.


  • Engineering dongle plugged into engineering PC (CMD.04 and CMD.06 are supported).
  • LMU installed on physical host (or in virtual environment (EsXi), not referred to hereafter).
  • LMU installed on engineering PC.


Workflow—general overview


Note that it is not allowed to close or start the LMU application between the «Create Challenge» and the «Validate Response» tasks. We strongly advise to keep the application running during the entire workflow!


Create challenge task

  1. Engineering computer > establish remote control from engineering computer to host computer.
    The exchange of files can also be made using USB sticks or other suitable methods.
  1. Change to the host computer > start LMU application.
  1. In navigation pane > click Settings button.
  1. In navigation pane > expand "License management Settings" menu > click Remote Dongle.
  1. In Settings pane > expand the Remote Dongle Settings drop-down box.
  1. Click the Duration (minutes) drop-down list and > set the time necessary to engineer the dongle.
  1. Click Create Challenge.
  1. Click Copy (or click Save and follow the corresponding save task, if you don't have remote access to the engineering computer).
  • Copy stores the data on the clipboard, Save stores the data on the computer as a file.

Dongle validation task

  1. Change to the  engineering computer  > make sure the correct dongle is attached to the machine.
  1. Start LMU application.
  1. In navigation pane > click Settings button.
  1. In navigation pane > expand "License management Settings" menu > click Remote Dongle.
  1. In Settings pane > expand the Dongle validation drop-down box.
  1. Click the Check Dongle button to retrieve Dongle ID. (Please make sure dongle device has already been attached to license server.
  • After few seconds the application displays the prompt «Operation completed successfully».
  1. Select the Dongle ID from the Dongle ID drop-down list.
  1. Paste the challenge to the LMS Server text box.
    Load is used if the challenge was saved in a file.
  1. Click Validate Dongle.
  • Activates the Copy/Save buttons.
  1. Click Copy (or click Save and follow the corresponding save task, shouldn't you have remote access to the engineering computer).
  • Copy stores the data on the clipboard, Save stores the data on the computer as a file.


Limited dongle activation task

  1. Change to the host computer.
  1. In navigation pane > click Settings button.
  1. In navigation pane > expand "License management Settings" menu > click Remote Dongle.
  1. In Settings pane > expand the Remote Dongle Settings drop-down box.
  1. Click Paste (or click Load and follow the corresponding loading task, if you don't have remote access to the engineering computer).
  • The remote dongle response will be displayed in the corresponding box.
  1. Click Validate Response.
  • If this operation performed successfully, LMU displays the “Remote dongle validated successfully” prompt > click OK to close.
  • Finally, the dongle ID appears on the Installed Items view. Now, certificate licenses bound to this dongle can be activated and used in LMU.

Remote Dongle Session Expiration Notification

Remote dongle license will expire in selected duration. You will receive the notifications before the license is expired.