The «Available Features» page displays details on the installed products' features, updates the view in a time interval and types the Last Updated time to the top-right of the menu.

General mode

Please note that for technical reasons the «Max. available», «Consumed», and «Remaining» fields don't necessarily show absolute values. These are given in the «Expert mode».


Expert mode

The «Expert mode» page (activate the «Expert mode» checkbox) displays items of the main page in a condensed form, allowing to expand each feature for further data. Note that


The customer purchased 3 gms_opt_satamate features (in different products).

1 feature is in use (not visible).

1 feature is available ( ).

1 feature has run out (expiration date: 06/14/2020) — «consumed».

1 feature remains for further use.

Additional information on consumed features

Under Available features, now it’s possible to see more information about who has checked out features.

To view more information about who has checked a feature, the application that checked out the license must provide the consumed information (ClientTestData). If this value is not populated during license checkout, then a feature consumed by info is not displayed (to maintain backwards compatibility with previous LMU versions).

How to view more information about «Consumed by»:

  1. Check out a feature.
  1. In LMU: > select Licensed Products.
  1. Select Available Features view.
  1. Check Expert Mode.
  1. Find the feature you checked out and > expand the list.
  • «Consumed by» section is now visible:


Error messages

An error message occurs if the consistency check fails at any of the parameter items. In the example below the maximum available count of a feature is lower than the purchased count: