Climatix IC – URL


A Climatix IC plant is the digital twin of the 'connected devices': Plants are created by mapping the required data-points and system settings to the Cloud.

Plant overview (Map)

Provides an overview of all connected plants and selected KPIs via Google Maps. Depending on the zoom, plants are grouped geographically, and the selected value is visualized in bubble diagrams.


  • Each user can set up individual dashboards that extend to the entire Tenant area.
  • In addition, application and simultaneous role-specific dashboards can be set up.

Web graphics

Plant depictions can be displayed in the Cloud as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs). The included graphic configurator can enhance SVG graphics directly in Climatix IC with data points, texts, etc.

System structure

Several connected systems can be combined in an overview (system structure). This enables simplified use and diagnostics by means of alarming at system level.

Trend Viewer

  • The data history is presented on interactive charts.
  • Users can view single or multiple trends over chosen time periods with customizable x/y axis.
  • Multiple diagrams can be depicted in one view to optimize diagnosis.

Online actions

Remote FW upgrade, parameter back up with scheduler, controller log file creation and controller re-start.


Notification on alarm events and notifications per email or webhook. Events are saved in the alarm history.

Intelligent alarm dashboard *

Provides a cross-Tenant view of alarm tickets for all connected systems. Allows OEMs to create their own diagnostics and users to create personalized watch lists.

Remote-HMI@Web access

HMI@Web can remotely access the web server integrated on the controller. The depiction can be modified or, if needed, rendered the same as the local HMI on the controller.


One Main-Tenant (e.g. OEM) can create multiple Sub-Tenants (e.g. regional companies). Newly connected plants can be assigned automatically (via distribution key) or manually to specific Sub-Tenants.

Application and documentation files

Easy-to-use upload and download functions are available for both, applications and freely usable documentation files.

Backup and restore of parameter files can be automatically scheduled.

All access can be defined for the user roles.

Application sets

OEM application engineers create complete Climatix software packages (e.g. BSP firmware, Sapro application, watch page mappings, HMI file) as application sets for plant types.

Plant commissioning engineers use the sets without the need for detailed knowledge of the included program components.

User management

Creates and manages role-based access to data and functions for both plants as well as the Cloud. Roles (e.g. OEM factory, service, owner, and end user) and their entitlements can be changed and expanded.

Cloud API

The RESTful API provides access to Cloud-stored data and management of plants and users via HTTPS queries.

'Analytics' Cloud API

The 'Analytics' Cloud API reads out all data using a batch query (no pagination).

Cloud Device API

Supplies Cloud access to the data stored on the controller through a VPN tunnel. Queries can be sent directly to the controller API via HTTPS/JSON. This permits the query of real-time values or values not mapped to the Cloud.

Virtual Cloud Items (VCIs) and Virtual Cloud Plants (VCPs)

External data (e.g. weather info) can be mapped via API to VCIs and read or written by virtual or physical plants. The external data can also be saved to VCPs. VCIs and VCPs permit key use cases such as storing calculated data or integration of IoT devices.


Subscription-based push service for alarms and data points stored over the Cloud (not for ICxx.300). Multiple webhook instances can be sent to various recipients.

Remote Tool Access

Remote access for Climatix engineering tools via a secured VPN connection. The controller must be registered in Climatix IC for this.

Rule Editor*

Node-RED is a low-code IoT workflow editor to support large software ecosystems. It can be used, for example, to integrate data from external devices and web services, or to implement Cloud-based fault detection logic (FDD). Engineering is simplified by dragging NodeJS-Snippets, embedded Climatix IC API, and auto detection of Cloud assets and data points.

Dashboard editor for plants and systems dashboards

The editor is integrated directly in the UI and creates user and system dashboards.

Climatix IC data hosting

Climatix IC data can be saved and processed georedundant in western European data centers.

For information on personal data, see "General contractual documents".

Climatix IC data security

Communication between controller and Cloud via HTTPS with SHA 256 encryption. Penetration tests according to the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard.