Use this configuration window to manage the hardware logic control outputs and optional logic control output extension cards like the PCIO2001.

The list has eight logic control outputs by default. Additional entries will be displayed if an extension is detected. See also Logic outputs states table 10.9.

'Logic Outputs – Connector' page

'Pulse Time on activated Pulse Mode'

If the Pulse Mode flag of a function is enabled, it will switch to active high for the configured period of time.


Read-only value of the respective logic control output.


The 'Name' parameter could be used to add a text description for the selected logic control output.


Use this checkbox to activate the corresponding logic control output


Use this checkbox to invert the physical state of the logic control output


The 'Function' defines the behavior and the functionality of the given logic control output as per the following table:



'Local Logic Input'

'Local Logic Input' is used to set the logic control output. The requested input number is configured by the 'Input/SysVarID/Feed/Level/Led' column.

'Remote Logic Input'

A logic control input from Station with selected ID is used to set this logic control output. The requested input number is configured by the 'Input/SysVarID/Feed/Level/Led' column.

'Active Call'

A priority channel based call is active on the corresponding analog audio output, which is selected via the AudioOutput column.

Example: Logic control output 1 is enabled if a priority call is active in the local AudioOutput 1.

Valid number range:

  • 0 active call on any output / speaker line
  • 1-4 for PC2001, PC2002, PC2005, PC2006
  • 1-16 for PC2003, PC1001, PC1002

'System Variable (SysVarID)':

'SysVarID' is used to set the corresponding output. The requested parameter is selected via the 'Input/SysVarID/Feed/Level/Led' column.










voice alarm Active


voice alarm silencing active


Local live voice alarm is active


voice alarm with priority higher or equal as the own priority is active

Used if Firefighter callstation needs to signal busy on OUT/LED


global running on battery


Network ring failure (ERPS) detected, global system feature without the use of a specific station ID

'System Fault'

Output is used to detect system errors. Depending on a configured RSBL this output reports relevant errors of the RSBL-Stations (Mic failure, missing stations, etc). Error logging must be active to use this function.


Local errors, of the own digital audio matrix


Errors of all monitored stations in the RSL (error logging must be active)


Global system fault. If any participant on the network reports an error, the “System Fault” will activated.

'System Fault Buzzer'

Same functionality as the 'System Fault' function, but the output state can be cleared by an existing 'Test & Quit key' (see section on logic control inputs).


This output could be generally used as general-purpose output. You could use the API to control this output.



'Feed Present'

Used to signal that a dedicated feeding channel is active on the network. The requested feeding channel (#1-255) is configured via the 'Input/SysVarID/Feed/Level/Led' column.

NOTICE! Use this by 'Feed with triggered signal', otherwise the logic control output is always on, even when the feed is -80 dB.

'AudioOut Active'

A specific analog audio output of a dedicated station is currently active. Valid parameters are:


define requested station


define requested output.

Valid number range:

1-4 for all matrices


used to define a specific feeding channel


logic control output responds if any channel is active on the audio output


logic control output responds if this channel x is active on audio output


logic control output gets active if a priority channel is active on the audio output.

'AudioOut Level [dB]'

A specific analog audio output of a dedicated station is currently playing a signal which level is above the given threshold.

Parameters are StationID, Audio Output Number and Level

'AudioIn Level [dB]'

A specific analog audio input of a dedicated station is currently above the given threshold level.

Parameters are StationID, Audio Output Number and Level

'Line Detection Fault'

Used to set this logic output if the 'LineDetection' function records a fault. Valid parameters are:


Selects a specific audio output observed by the 'LineDetection' function


Collects all faults of the 'LineDetection' function

'Keypad LED'

Any KeyPad Led in the system could be used to trigger the logic output.

'LedMode 0'

Any, the logic control output is activated if any color of the LED is active


red, only if the red LED is active


green (only if green LED is active)


yellow (both LEDs must be active)


Any & Alarm, the logic control output is activated if any color of the LED is active or if an alarm is active in the concerned zone

'Backup Control'


will enable if the current station has switched to a backup amplifier


used to control the line A0 (address line) of the backup mux pcb


used to control the line A1

'EN 54-16: Disablement Condition'

Output is active if one or more local logic control inputs with input mode=Disablement Condition are active. For detailed information see EN 54-16 – Specific settings.

'EN 54-16: Voice Alarm Condition'


Default behavior: Output is active until the voice alarm is canceled.


Output is active until 'Alarm manual Reset' is enabled.

For detailed information see EN 54-16 – Specific settings.

'EN 54-16: Output to Fire Alarm devices'


Default behavior: Output is active until the voice alarm is canceled on the corresponding audio output/line.


Output is active until 'Alarm manual Reset' is enabled.

Column Out/In


for PC2001, PC2002, PC2005, PC2006


for PC2003, PC1001, PC1002

For detailed information see EN 54-16 – Specific settings.

'Logic Operation Inputs'

Used to perform a boolean logic operation on a logic control input and display the result on a logic control output.

'Parameter Input/SysVarID/ Feed/Level/LED'

This parameter is a bitmask, which is able to address eight logic control inputs and outputs, e.g., 6 (00000110) logic control input 2 and 3 active.

'Audio Out/In'

This parameter represents the position of the bitmask


IO 1 to 8


IO 9 to 16


IO 17 to 24


IO 25 to 32

'LED Mode'

LED / BU / Mode / SysVal

Choose the boolean logic operation, logic control output will switch high if:


at least one logic control input/output is logic high


all of the logic control inputs/outputs are logic high


“more than”, the configured number of elements are logic high (limit is 5 IOs)

5 LSB select bitmask

3 MSB number of IOs range 0-7

Example: output active if more than 2 inputs are active

MT: active output if more than 2 (010) of all 5 (11111) inputs active

Value = 010 11111 = (0x5F, 95d)


the state of the IOs matches the selected mask (limit is 5 IOs)

5 LSB select bitmask

3 MSB number of IOs from right to left (LSB to MSB), 0 = 1st input, 4= first 5 inputs


  • the first 2 inputs with state = 01
  • Value = 001 00001 = (0x21, 33d)
  • the first 3 inputs with state = 101
  • Value = 010 00101 = (0x45, 69d)
  • the first 5 inputs with state = 01011
  • Value = 100 01011 = (0x8B, 139d)

'Logic Operation Outputs'

Used to perform a boolean logic operation on a logic control output and display the result on a logic control output (parameters as above for 'Logic Operation Inputs')

'System Value'

System-specific value is above the limit. Valid parameters are:

'LED / BU / Mode / SysVal'

Defines the system value:


Enabling the output via AVC value and limit with a given threshold to activate/deactivate the output


ErrorState(ES) specific: allow configuration of logic-output to dedicated error states on specific stations


ErrorState(ES) localRS: allow configuration of logic-output to dedicated error states on the monitored RSL


Reserved for future use


Defines the station

'Input/SysVarID/ FeedNo / Level / Led'

AVC limit in dB to activate the output

Bit number of ErrorState(ES) (see 12.6 ErrorState)

'Follow Logic Output'

The logic output follows another logic output within the system. Valid parameters are:

'Audio Out/In'

Defines the logic control output (all physical outputs are supported)


Defines the station


is used as parameter depending on the selected function.

'Audio Out/In'

is requested for some functions to select the requested analog audio output

'LED Mode'

Color parameters must be defined for certain output functions. The set color determines the behavior of the output, for 'Keypad LED', 'Backup Control', 'Logic Operation' and 'System Value',for example.

Valid combinations are shown in the table below:


The output will react on any LED color


The output will react only if the red LED color is present


The output will react only if the green LED color is present


The output will react only if the yellow LED color is present

'Of Station'

Enter the ID of the target station for the predefined function in this field. This option is only mandatory for some functions.

'Pulse Mode'

If enabled, all changes of an output will cause a short pulse on the output. The length is determined via the parameter 'Pulse Time on activated Pulse Mode'.

Pulse time: 0.1 s...25.5 s


Corresponds to the physical state of the logic output as follows:

  • L = low, LED off
  • H = high, LED on