The 'Required Station List' (RSL) is used for monitoring a system.
- Enter station IDs in the RSL list. If a problem occurs in connection with one of these entries, a corresponding entry will be created in the error log.
- Stations for which an RSL is enabled: the error log is stored in the station's flash.
- The error log can be read out using the 'get Error Logging List' function.
- Click on the 'Enable' switch in the 'Error Logging General Flags' area to turn on error logging.
- Click on 'Add all Stations' to add all stations that are currently online to the RSL.
- Click on 'Delete all' to clear the whole RSL.
- Press and hold the <Ctrl> button on the PC keyboard, then click on 'Add all Stations' to open a dialog which lets you add a single station.
- Click on 'Delete selected' to clear the currently selected station from the RSL.
- Select/deselect multiple entries by pressing <Ctrl> + SHIFT and clicking with the mouse.
For a more detailed look at the error logging list see 'Error Logging List'.
Fault Relay – Mode
Can be used to define the behavior of the fault relay and the online LED on PT2001 'Desk call stat. (19 buttons)'.
- The fault relay state is 'latching'. Reset by a logic control input 'Reset fault' after the fault is gone.
- 'Local Fault': Only local errors influence the fault relay.
- 'RSL (Required Station List)': Only errors from the defined stations (RSL) influence the fault relay.
- 'Global System Fault': Every system error is signaled (from all connected stations on the network).
- 'State': Displays the current state of the fault relay.
‘Log Warnings’
Used to log messages classified as warnings.
‘Log Infos’
Used to log messages classified as information.
‘Log Events’
Used to log changes on the first 16 logic control inputs without generating a system error.
‘Acoustic Signals’
Can only be used for PT2001 'Desk call stat. (19 buttons)' (internal speaker at audio output 1), has the same function as the output of the system fault buzzer on the indication board.
‘Audible warning, Remote triggered’
See EN 54-16 – Specific settings.
‘Check Mike’
Enables the supervision of the microphone.
‘Check AVC Mike’
Enables the supervision of the AVC microphones. Check for open circuit or short circuit AVC microphone errors via a logic input “AVC Monitoring fault”. If a fault is detected, the AVC value will be set to “no attenuation”
Several ‘EN54-16 Flags’
For details, see EN 54-16 – Specific settings.