Unitary | Pre-APOGEE | APOGEE | BACnet | PXC.A |
| ● | ● | ● | ● |
Valid mode values are described in the table following the parameter descriptions.
zone | SSTO zone number. - Valid values are 1 to 5. |
mode | Mode number. - Valid entries are any combination of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 as defined in the following table. - Mode numbers can be added together to create customized schedules for the TOD program. See the TODMOD command for more information. |
cst | Calculated start time. - This parameter is a virtual LAO point name. - If SSTO is disabled (season = 0 in the SSTOCO command), then cst is assigned to the latest start time. |
csp | Calculated stop time. - This parameter is a virtual LAO point name. - If SSTO is disabled (season = 0 in the SSTOCO command), then csp is assigned the latest stop time. |
est | Earliest start time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
lst | Latest start time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
ost | Occupancy start time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
esp | Earliest stop time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
lsp | Latest stop time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
osp | Occupancy stop time. - This parameter can be a military time (7:30 p.m. = 19:30), a decimal time (7:30 p.m. = 19.50), a logical point name, or a local variable. |
ast | Total adjustment to the calculated start time. This value is changed from day-to-day. - A decimal value or virtual LAO point type can be defined to store the adjustment value. |
asp | Total adjustment to the calculated stop time. This value is changed from day to day. - A decimal value or virtual LAO point type can be defined to store the adjustment value. |
Valid SSTO Mode Values. | |
Mode | Schedule |
1 | Normal schedule |
2 | Extended schedule |
4 | Shortened schedule |
8 | Weekend schedule |
16* | Holiday schedule |
* | Mode number 16 (Holiday) should only be used with the HOLIDA command. |
The SSTO command calculates the optimal start and stop times for each zone based on information derived from the SSTOCO command (outside air temperature, zone temperature, desired zone temperature, etc.) as well as parameters for earliest, latest, and occupancy start times provided in the SSTO command.
This command has the ability to tune itself by incrementing or decrementing the start time after calculating an adjust time (ast) when errors between actual temperatures and desired temperatures occur.
60 SSTO(1,1,ONTIM,OFTIM,6:30,7:45,8:00,15:30,
- The SSTO command only calculates the optimal start and stop times. TOD and TODSET commands are needed to command the point.
- When ast or asp is defined as zero, the current adjustment value is displayed each time the command is displayed. If a virtual LAO point name is entered, the operator can specify (command) an initial value for ast or asp.