This chapter contains information related to the design, coding, and implementation of a program. The following concepts are discussed in this chapter:
- Introduction to PPCL
- What's New
- Obsolete PPCL Statements Removed from the Language
- Redundant PPCL Statements Planned for Removal from the Language
- New and Modified PPCL Statements
- PPCL Rules
- General PPCL Rules
- Defining Objects in a PPCL Program
- Rules for Naming Objects
- Rules for Naming a PPCL Program
- PPCL Program Design Guidelines
- Designing a Program that is Easy to Maintain
- Designing a Program that Operates Efficiently
- Making Comparisons
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Performing Mathematical Functions and Calculations
- Arithmetic Functions
- Special Functions
- Order of Precedence
- Changing Precedence Levels with Parentheses
- Using Resident Objects and Storage Locations for Data
- Resident Objects
- Local Variables
- Understanding the Relationship Between Point Priority and Status
- Point Priority Overview
- At (@) Priority Status Indicators
- Point Status Indicators
- Converting a Sequence of Operation into Program Code
- Guidelines
- Designing Programs Using a Modular Structure
- Subroutine Commands
- Multiple Programs versus Subroutines
- Program Testing
- Program Documentation